Waterwise Toilet Rebate
Please note: A similar offer is also available for Busselton Water customers. Please visit their website for details.
Did you know that over 10% of the water used in homes is from flushing your toilet? The type of toilet you have can make a big difference in water savings.
Older, single flush toilets are very inefficient, using 12 litres (L) of water per flush compared to a WELS 4-star dual flush toilet that uses 4.5 L for a full flush and 3 L for a half flush.
By switching to a more waterwise toilet, you can cut your toilet’s water usage by more than half and save more on your water bill. That’s why we’re offering Water Corporation customers connected to scheme water in WA, a $400 rebate when you replace your single flush toilet with a dual flush WELS 4-star toilet.
Once a licensed plumber has removed your old toilet and installed your new one, just send us your paid tax invoice/receipt and a before and after photo for us to check. If approved, we’ll credit the rebate to your Water Corporation account.
Help us flush out single flush toilets and get in touch with your local waterwise plumber today.
What does the offer include?
The Waterwise Toilet Rebate offers $400 towards the cost to replace a single flush toilet with a WELS 4-star or higher water rated toilet at a property connected to Water Corporation’s scheme water. Your plumber will recommend which product is best for you.
The rebate can be claimed for up to 2 toilets per property, with a $400 allowance per toilet.
Who can apply for the offer?
This offer is now open to all Water Corporation customers connected to scheme water.
Rebate eligibility
This rebate is a limited offer and is only available for toilet purchase and installations between Friday 15 November 2024 and Saturday 31 May 2025 (regional areas) and Tuesday 4 March 2025 and Saturday 31 May 2025 (Perth and Peel areas).
Rebate allocations may be exhausted before the closing date of Saturday 31 May 2025. We will post an update on our website when allocations are running low.
To be eligible for this rebate:
- The toilet/s must be installed at a residential property connected to Water Corporation’s scheme water system.
- The toilet/s must be installed by a licensed plumber in regional areas (preferably waterwise accredited) and a waterwise licensed plumber in the metro area. Find a waterwise plumber near you.
- The toilet/s must have a water rating of 4 stars or higher as approved by the WELS (Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards) scheme.
- The new toilet/s must replace existing single flush toilet/s.
- The toilet/s must have been installed between Friday 15 November 2024 and Saturday 31 May 2025 (regional areas) and Tuesday 4 March 2025 and Saturday 31 May 2025 (Perth and Peel areas).
- The owner of the property or a property manager must apply for the rebate.
- Your application must include:
- your paid itemised receipt/tax invoice, which shows your address, the purchase of a WELS 4-star toilet/s and replacement of a single flush toilet/s at the property by a licensed plumber.
- a before and after photo (1 of each) showing the toilet prior to replacement installed in your home and the new toilet installed in your home.
Water Corporation reserves the right to reasonably deny any application.
How to apply
Please have the following ready before you apply:
- Your paid tax invoice or receipt/s, showing the purchase of an eligible product and payment to a licensed plumber for undertaking the work.
- Photos showing the old and new toilet/s installed in your home.
- Your Water Corporation bill for your account number.
You will need scans or photos of the receipt/s to submit with your rebate claim.
Terms and conditions
Please find terms and conditions here.
Frequently asked questions
Your plumber will advise you. Common examples of WELS 4-star toilets include:
- Posh Solus Square/Round Closed Coupled Toilet Suite
- Caroma Profile II Close Coupled Bottom Inlet Toilet Suite Standard Seat
- American Standard Studio Round Close Coupled Toilet Suite
- Raymor Classic Close Coupled SNV Rimless
The toilet/s must be installed by a licensed plumber in regional areas (preferably waterwise accredited) and a waterwise licensed plumber in the metro area.