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As a result of the $9,000 of the funding they received from Kimberly Community Grants, the Men’s Outreach Service Broome was able to extend their program to help women for the first time.

Through the women’s cultural safety and cultural immersion activities workshop; the service can promote healing and social connection for women in violent relationships.

The women spend time on Country gathering bush tucker and medicines and undertaking traditional ceremonies, which is part of the process of reconnecting with culture. Participants learn to identify abusive behaviour, which gives them a voice and empowers them to hold the men in their lives to account.

A big focus of the program, for both men and women, is creating a deeper understanding of the impact that intergenerational trauma and colonisation have on their lives and behaviour, and the healing that must take place.

Men’s Outreach Service Broome works with both victims and committers of domestic abuse in the Broome community.

Round 7 of the Kimberley Community Grants is now open. Visit the Round 7 page to apply and for further information! Grants close 4pm WST, 14 May 2021.

Change Em Ways program