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As a person living with a disability, Engineering Associate Trainee (EAT), Keagan, has experienced how an inclusive and supportive workplace can enable employees to succeed. 

Now halfway through his two-year traineeship, Keagan is studying for a Diploma in Civil and Structural Engineering. 

"Water Corporation has been fantastic in providing flexibility and accommodations to meet my needs," he said.

"From accessible workspaces to flexible working arrangements and understanding managers, the culture of inclusivity here has made a big difference in my experience."

Keagan also plays a key role in planning and reporting water schemes across important assets like pumping stations, wastewater treatment plants, dams and desalination plants.

"My day-to-day work involves analysing scheme performance through bore abstraction, tank levels, and flow rates, to ensure compliance with groundwater abstraction limits set by the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation,” he explained.

"We work closely with the control room to manage water resources efficiently." 

Beyond the technical aspects of his role, Keagan values the sense of purpose that comes with ensuring a reliable water supply for communities across the state.

"A highlight of my time so far has been working in the Water Operations team and being given the opportunity to travel to Karratha, to be a part of the annual strategy presentation," he said.

"Knowing that the work we do directly impacts people's lives is incredibly rewarding.

"I also had a great experience with my EAT cohort where we toured Perth Seawater Desalination Plant, and Beenyup Advanced Water Recycling Plant and Water Resource Recovery Facility."

Colleagues from Water Operations getting a picture with Red Dog in Dampier during their trip to Karratha for the annual operating strategy.Colleagues from Water Operations getting a picture with Red Dog in Dampier during their trip to Karratha for the annual operating strategy.

In addition to being an integral part of the Integrated Operations Business Unit, Keagan is an active co-chair of the Disability and Access Working Group – which aims to create a more equitable and inclusive workplace for employees with disability.

When asked what he believes is the key to success with disability in the workplace is, he responded with "open communication and empathy." 

"Every person's needs are different, so creating a space where employees feel comfortable sharing their challenges is essential," he said.

"Small changes, like accessible facilities and flexible work arrangements, can make a huge difference.

"I appreciate being part of an organisation that values diversity and inclusivity, and i'm excited to see what the future holds." 

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