29 Oct 2020 |
To teachers everywhere thank you for inspiring our future water champions
2020 has been an exceptionally challenging year. Yet, teachers everywhere made sure education continued, whatever way they could. It’s time to recognise and show appreciation to our dedicated educators who make a difference every day.

19 Oct 2020 |
Every drop of wastewater recycled at Margaret River facility
Margaret River Wastewater Treatment Plant services the Shire of Augusta-Margaret River. Recent upgrades have doubled the plant’s capacity to 3 million litres of wastewater per day to accommodate for rising population.

19 Oct 2020 |
Denmark is drying out – How this town is tackling climate change
Denmark is a town that has experienced climate change first hand. In response, the local community has saved 32 million litres of water during 2020.

16 Oct 2020 |
No taps. One bucket. Are you up for the Water Night challenge?
This National Water Week we’re taking part in Water Night to improve our water mindfulness. Here’s how to get involved.