August 2021
Advisory for Oyster Harbour recreational fishers lifted
Advisory for Oyster Harbour recreational fishers lifted

Perth weekly water update - 27 August 2021
Latest metro water use, dam levels, streamflow and rainfall data.

Perth weekly water update - 20 August 2021
Latest metro water use, dam levels, streamflow and rainfall data.
Perth weekly water update - 13 August 2021
Latest metro water use, dam levels, streamflow and rainfall data.

Native superfood orchard to deliver export and employment opportunities in the North West
The last seedling has been planted under a partnership between Water Corporation and Broome’s Mamabulanjin Aboriginal Corporation (MAC) to create a native superfood orchard that will deliver training and employment opportunities to young people in the region.

Water Corporation renews support to women and children experiencing family and domestic violence
Water Minister Dave Kelly today announced that Water Corporation has reaffirmed its commitment to supporting women and children escaping family and domestic violence by renewing its partnership with the Centre for Women's Safety and Wellbeing (CWSW) until 2024.

Perth weekly water update - 6 August 2021
Latest metro water use, dam levels, streamflow and rainfall data.
Geraldton Grammar becomes WA's newest waterwise school
Geraldton Grammar School has been officially welcomed as WA’s newest regional waterwise school. The school is the 589th endorsed under Water Corporation’s Waterwise Schools Program, which promotes the importance of conserving precious water supplies.

Waterwise greening opportunities on offer for local governments and property owners
Water Minister Dave Kelly is encouraging local governments and residents to take advantage of Water Corporation's Waterwise Greening Scheme to help create cooler, greener suburbs.

Completed Albany to Denmark pipeline secures Denmark’s water future
Water Minister Dave Kelly today announced the official completion of the Albany to Denmark pipeline, securing Denmark's long-term water supply in the face of climate change.

Albany student supported through Water Corporation scholarship
Water Corporation has awarded Albany student Holly Timperley a special scholarship in support of mature-aged students pursuing a university degree in a water-related field.