October 2021
Perth weekly water update - 29 October 2021
Latest metro water use, dam levels, streamflow and rainfall data.

Perth weekly water update - 22 October
Latest metro water use, dam levels, streamflow and rainfall data.
Designing a waterwise neighbourhood made easier during National Water Week
Water Minister Dave Kelly is encouraging housing developers to recognise the value of water-sensitive urban design in combating the impacts of climate change and reduced rainfall, through a waterwise development guide being promoted as part of National Water Week.

New water pipes in the works for East Fremantle
Historic pipelines supplying drinking water to East Fremantle, Palmyra and Bicton for nearly a century will soon be replaced as part of a project to maintain water supply reliability in the area.

State Government helping public housing tenants reduce water use and lower water bills
Public housing tenants will be supported to reduce household water use and lower their water bills under an expansion of the McGowan Government's Waterwise Public Housing Project, announced today.

New immersive experience helping deliver waterwise message to record students
New multi-sensory experiences are helping create a new generation of water-saving champions with a record 32,809 students participating in Water Corporation's Waterwise Schools Program in 2020-21.

Waterwise support available to Goldfields households
Goldfields residents can take advantage of three water-saving offers as part of Water Corporation's 2021-22 Waterwise Towns program, launched during National Water Week.

Huge water savings achieved in Great Southern as waterwise support continues
Great Southern towns can again take advantage of free water-saving offers thanks to Water Corporation's Waterwise Towns program - a waterwise initiative which helped residents save 172 million litres of water in the region in 2020-21.

Free waterwise offers available to North-West communities
Free waterwise offers are available to residents of Karratha, Roebourne, Point Samson, Wickham, Onslow, Halls Creek, Fitzroy Crossing and Port Hedland as part of Water Corporation's 2021-22 Waterwise Towns program.

Free waterwise offers available to South-West communities
South-West residents can now claim a rainwater tank rebate and swap inefficient showerheads for waterwise alternatives thanks to Water Corporation's 2021-22 Waterwise Towns program, launched during National Water Week.

Mid-West residents encouraged to take up water-saving offers during National Water Week
Residents in Exmouth, Denham, Jurien Bay, Mount Magnet and Cue can take advantage of special water-saving offers as part of Water Corporation's 2021-22 Waterwise Towns program, launched during National Water Week.

Waterwise Perth Action Plan achievements kick off National Water Week
Water Minister Dave Kelly today marked the start of National Water Week 2021, by acknowledging the first two years' achievements of the inaugural Waterwise Perth Action Plan.

Perth weekly water update 15 October 2021
Latest metro water use, dam levels, streamflow and rainfall data.

Perth weekly water update 8 October 2021
Latest metro water use, dam levels, streamflow and rainfall data.

Perth weekly water update 1 October 2021
Latest metro water use, dam levels, streamflow and rainfall data.