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We have put together a guide to help you with the submission of applications for multi-residential, commercial, mixed-use developments, renovating and extending.

Using BuilderNet

Use our online self-service system BuilderNet to lodge multi residential and/or commercial development applications. If you are not a regular BuilderNet user, you can use our Guest Account option to log in.

You will be required to attach electronic versions of your floor plans and site plans (and your hydraulic plans, if applicable). These should be PDF or JPG file types, and they must be less than 10MB in size.

Lodge your application

If you are not using BuilderNet

Submit your multi-residential application form or mixed-use and/or commercial development application form along with the following items:

Please submit these by email or post. We recommend you keep a copy of your applications for your own records.

How to fill in your application

Purpose of application

Include a description of what is being constructed or improved. For example, home units, apartments/shops, factory, showroom, warehouse, car wash etc. This information can usually be found on your building licence or your shire approved plans.

Estimated construction cost

The amount shown on your building licence. Only include the cost of constructing the main building and the critical elements of the building.

Estimated start and completion dates

Provide the dates scheduled for commencement and completion of construction.

Demolition of existing building

An accurate demolition date must be provided as it may affect the annual rates charged for the property. If the property has been, or will be demolished we will change the rating of the property from 'residential' to 'vacant land' effective from the first of the month following the demolition date.

Builder's job number

This is a reference number used by the builder. If unknown, please enter N/A.

Water supply

Provide the number, size and flow rate of water services required. If more than one builder's standpipe is require, please let us know in this section.

For multi-residential developments, a master meter can be installed with sub-meters. Alternatively, individual meters may be installed. For commercial developments, the units must be part of a strata subdivision for sub-meters to be installed.

If installation of the meter(s) has been placed on hold, it is the customer's responsibility to call us on 13 13 95 to advise that installation is required.

Following a request, please allow 10 working days for meter installation, larger water meters may take longer to be installed.

The meter location must be indicated accurately on the application form. If the location is not provided, your application may be returned.

Reticulation and fire services

Separate application forms are required if you are applying for a reticulation service or a fire service. 

Reticulation Service Application

If you need reticulation services, please submit the non-standard service application form

Fire Service Application

For fire-related services, please submit the fire service application form

Remember to submit these forms along with your building application. 

Note: A 20 mm water service can only be supplied to residential developments of more than 3 units.

If a fire service is required, you must advise the required meter size.

Infrastructure contributions apply to additional water services (i.e. reticulation services).

Meter and service location details

Most services in new subdivisions are pre-laid. This means the services are installed and are left buried / inactive until we receive an application for a meter to be installed.

If a water service has been pre-laid or a water meter already exists on the property, this position must be utilised and any requests for a meter relocation will be at the applicant's cost.

To find out if a water service already exists on the property, please complete our enquiry form.


If you don't have an existing water service, or the services is not pre-laid, please indicate the location for the water services in the service location details section. The location is determined as if you are standing in the street looking at the lot. For example, install water meter 5 m from left hand boundary in Smith Street.

If your property is on a corner, please ensure that you advise us which street you want your service to come off. In addition, please be aware that strata boundaries are not taken into consideration and measurements should be taken from the overall lot boundary and not the strata boundary.


For a new development you will need a builder's standpipe to commence building.

If there is an existing water service, a builder's standpipe will not be required. Contact your plumber to install a builder's standpipe.

Wastewater supply

For residential and commercial buildings you will need to provide the number of toilets:

  • existing
  • being added
  • being removed

If you require a sewer junction to be cut in, please advise what size sewer junction is required (i.e. 100 mm or 150 mm)

For non-residential developments and some mixed use developments, such as commercial laundries, laundromats, car washes, apartments and offices, you may need to apply for Trade waste approval. A copy of hydraulic plans will be required.

More information

Please complete our enquiry form if you require further information.


Local councils and businesses and working together

Renovating or extending

If you're renovating, doing extensions to your home or building a granny flat, you still need to obtain building approval from us.

Learn more