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Key achievements
  • Saved $5,975 on water use weekly
  • Saved 43,800 kilolitres yearly
  • Saved 120,000 litres daily

Aside from monitoring water consumption, our smart metres have enabled us to detect leaks and unusual water use, saving water and money.

One of our smart detected a potential leak, and the meter's data revealed a significant increase in water use. However, there was no known operational change that could have caused this unexpected spike.

Our Park Manager, Tim Dodds, immediately began investigating. 

Taking action

To identify the leak, we carried out tests over a 3-month period. These included:

  • installation of isolation valves
  • meter tests and daily meter readings of multiple meters
  • site inspections and audits
  • tank leak isolation tests
  • site-wide isolation testing
  • site-wide underground radar leak detection
  • installation of a smart meter
  • creating an online water account to monitor water use consumption

Once we determined the location of the pipe leak, the pipe was re-routed via alternate mains. New pipes using better pressure service were installed, allowing the old lines to be permanently isolated.

This work was completed in less than 2 weeks, and the meter readings have confirmed a substantial reduction in water usage.

How the work was carried out
Equipment used Waterwise services
Data logger Leak detection plumber engaged
Smart meter  
Water detection radar  

A significant difference

The graph shows the change in demand from 6,000 litres per hour to 2,000 litres per hour once the major leak was identified and repaired.

Discovery Parks Onslow leak graph showing water usage during the leak using 6,000 litres per hour down to 2,000 litres per hour after the leak repair

Learning from our experience

We’ve adopted the following practices to ensure we stay informed about our water use and any sudden changes.

  • Regularly monitoring our water use through our online account
  • Ongoing daily meter reading recording
  • Ongoing leak detection
  • Completion of isolation valves installation