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If you own or run a salon, do you know how much water you’re consuming? Keeping track of your water use over time and finding out where you use the most water is a great place to start. You can track your water use in your online account, which includes water use comparison graphs.

Small changes = big water savings

There are many simple and effective water saving practices you can encourage staff to take up, to make your business more eco-friendly.

Here are our top tips for saving water in your salon.

Image of a woman getting her hair washed in a salon


Turn off taps when not in use

Avoid letting the water run between washes. Always turn off the tap at the basin until it’s time to rinse! 

Minimise hair washing time

You could reduce the amount of water you use by cutting back on how long you wash your customer’s hair. Do you shampoo twice? Limiting how much you shampoo and condition means you’ll use less water for washing and rinsing hair.

Switch to efficient showerheads

Replace any old showerheads with ones with a WELS 4 Star Rating or better and you could save up to 2,600 litres per day.

Use low-flow aerators

Installing low-flow aerators on your taps can save a significant amount of water. You could reduce your water use by up to 6 litres per minute.

Clean efficiently

Use waterless products to clean countertops, furniture and floors where possible. If you need to mop floors with water, make sure you only use half a bucket as a standard practice.

Involve your staff

Get your staff onboard, so they can apply waterwise practices both in your salon and at home.

Watering plants

If you have any plants outside your salon, water them early on your watering days in the morning or evening to avoid the hottest time when most evaporation occurs.

Look out for leaks

Leaks can be costly, so it's best to stay on top of them and check for them regularly. Find out how you can check for leaks.

Use water efficient appliances

Water efficient appliances like waterwise washing machines and dishwashers will reduce your daily water consumption. But don't stop there, make sure you only run them when they are fully loaded.

Providing a sustainable salon experience

By introducing these water saving measures and alternatives, you’ll be able to cut your water use and lower your water bill, while also having a positive impact on the environment.