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Project goal:

To construct and operate the Alkimos Seawater Desalination Plant, we need to upgrade the power supply to the Alkimos Water Precinct.


In design

Delivery Date:

Construction is planned to begin in the coming months and is expected to be completed by mid-2025. We'll confirm the start date and the staging of the work once the contractor has completed the detailed design.

What’s happening?

We are working with Western Power's contractor to install and connect a transmission line to the Alkimos Water Precinct. It will run approximately 5km underground from Western Power's Yanchep Substation on Wanneroo Road, via Romeo Road and Graceful Boulevard before connecting into the Alkimos Water Precinct.

This will be installed by a combination of open trenching and horizontal directional drilling under main roads.

Where is this happening?


When is this happening?

This work is planned to begin in the coming months and is expected to be complete by mid-2025.

We'll confirm the start date and the staging of the work closer to construction starting.

How will this impact the community?

We're working closely with Western Power and their contractor to minimise impacts to the community wherever possible. We are still developing a detailed design, specific impacts will be communicated with the community as soon as possible.

Noise, dust and vibrations: As with any construction activities, there will be an increase in noise, dust, vibrations and activity in the area. Please be assured that these are temporary, and we will implement measures to control and monitor noise, dust and vibrations.

Traffic: Roads, verges and shared paths will be temporarily impacted, including road detours, bike lane, and footpath closures. These closures are necessary to allow us to excavate trenches to install the cable safely underground.

We will also be tunnelling under major roads to help minimise disruptions to high traffic roads.

Variable-message signs, social media and notifications will be used to communicate the detours to the community. We understand detours can be frustrating, and we will do our best to work quickly and make the area safe to reopen for traffic as soon as possible.

Power supply interruptions: It is unlikely that any power supply interruptions will be required for this work. If an outage is required, Western Power will inform customers in advance.

Business support: We understand that construction work can impact small businesses. We work with the City if Wanneroo and Small Business Development Corporation to support affected businesses during our essential work.

We encourage businesses to let us know how we can minimise impacts on them during construction.

Learn more about the Alkimos Seawater Desalination Plant project

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Alkimos Seawater Desalination Plant


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