Baldivis wastewater upgrades
Project goal:
To upgrade the wastewater infrastructure in Baldivis to cater for the growing community and future land development.
Construction was completed in late October 2024
Revegetation is planned to begin in mid-2025
Construction began in September 2022 and was completed in late October 2024
What happened?
- a new below ground wastewater pump station
- overflow storage
- two short sections of wastewater pipeline.
Where did this happen?
Work took place off Stillwater Drive in Baldivis. Please refer to the map below.

When did this take place?
Our contractor, BMD Constructions, started work in late September 2022. Construction was completed in late October 2024.
We follow a thorough reinstatement process to ensure all impacted areas are replaced like for like, where practically possible. We have also been working closely with the City of Rockingham and residents to ensure all reinstatements are carried out to an acceptable and high standard.
Friday, 13 December 2024
Since construction was completed in late October, efforts have been ongoing to restore the area. Our contractor, BMD Constructions, will be on-site today to finalise the remaining tasks and conduct a walkthrough inspection.
Revegetation of the space is scheduled to begin in mid-2025.
We follow a thorough reinstatement process to ensure all impacted areas are replaced like for like, where practically possible. We have also been working closely with the City of Rockingham to ensure all reinstatements are carried out to an acceptable and high standard.
Thank you for your ongoing patience and understanding.
Monday, 25 November 2024
The crew will be performing a check of the wastewater chamber, overnight, from 8 pm Tuesday, 26 November to 6 am Wednesday, 27 November.
- This work is not expected to impact your water or wastewater services.
- There will be increased activity and noise at the work site.
- Temporary lighting will be in place, angled towards the work areas.
- Wastewater tanker trucks will be used temporarily to help manage wastewater flows.
Restoration update
Outside of the revegetation, planned for 2025 winter months, restoration work will continue.
Friday, 25 October 2024
Good news! We have successfully connected the new pump station to our network.
Our contractor, BMD Constructions, has recently removed its site office. Water Corporation's office and fencing will remain on site until late November.
BMD is repairing sections of kerbing, verges and footpaths that were impacted by the construction work. These restorations are expected to be complete in early November.
Planting of vegetation is expected to take place in winter 2025 to give the plants the best chance of survival. In the meantime, the area will be covered with topsoil and mulch to help control dust and weeds.
We will continue to work closely with the City of Rockingham throughout the restoration process.
Did you know?
More than 4 million litres of wastewater will pass through the new station, daily.
That’s over 70 000 car petrol tanks or 2 Olympic sized swimming pools, everyday!
Monday, 14 October 2024
Final connection work will take place overnight, from 7 pm Thursday, 17 October 2024 to 7 am Friday, 18 October 2024.
- This work is not expected to impact water or wastewater services.
- There will be increased activity and noise at the work site located between Stillwater Drive and Magenta Crescent.
- To ensure the safety of our crew and the community, please continue to follow all traffic management in the area.
Please note, this work is subject to weather conditions and may need to be rescheduled.
Restoration update
BMD Constructions plan to pack up the work site in November 2024. This will include removing the temporary site structures and fencing.
We are currently in contact with the City of Rockingham, preparing to restore the impacted area.
Thursday, 26 September 2024
We have recently completed the construction of the underground pump station and installation of the associated pipework.
We expect one more night of work, in October, to complete the final connections. Notification will be distributed to the surrounding area once a date has been confirmed.
Our contractor, BMD Constructions, plan to pack up their work site in November 2024.
To ensure work is completed safely, traffic management will be in place along Stillwater Drive, as required. Please continue to take care in the area.
Tuesday, 27 August 2024
An early morning start is required to continue the work of connecting the new structures to the existing infrastructure. 5 am – 7 pm Tuesday, 27 August 2024Traffic management will be in place near the site to help direct the tanker trucks that will be used to manage the flow of wastewater during this period.
To ensure the safety of our crew and the community, please continue to follow all traffic management in the area.
Tuesday, 6 August 2024
To help minimise disruption to the community, another night of work will take place during off peak wastewater usage times. Overnight from 7 pm Tuesday, 6 August to 7 am Wednesday, 7 August 2024.Please note another night will also be required to complete the connections.
This work is not expected to impact your water or wastewater services. Should a planned outage be required, those impacted will be notified in advance.
Tuesday, 16 July 2024
We will be excavating an area at the Stillwater Drive and Magenta Crescent site to allow us to connect the pump station to our existing infrastructure. Tanker trucks will be used to manage the flow of wastewater in the area during this period.
To help minimise disruption to the community, work will take place during off peak wastewater usage times. Overnight from 7 pm Tuesday, 16 July to 7 am Wednesday, 17 July 2024
Nearby residents may notice increased truck activity in the area with stop/slow traffic management in place.
This work is not expected to impact your water or wastewater services. Should a planned outage be required, those impacted will be notified in advance.
February 2024
The team has recently completed construction of the new below ground 3000 KL wastewater storage tank. As this work required over 1200m3 of concrete, you may notice that truck activity on Stillwater Drive will be reduced.
In the coming months work will focus on constructing the underground pump station.
August 2023
The next phase of construction involves several concrete pours. These will occur over the next few months. Most of this work will be completed within the current schedule, Monday to Saturday between 7 am and 7 pm. However, one large concrete pour is required to be completed outside of these hours and is currently scheduled to take place 6 am to 7pm Saturday, 26 August 2023.
During this work, nearby residents may notice increased truck movements and activity around the work area. We will aim to keep the disturbance to a minimum as best we can. Concrete trucks will be arriving via Magenta Crescent and leaving the work site onto Stillwater Drive.
May 2023
We have created a large watertight area underground where we can install the new pumping station. We are now pumping the excess water out of the ground to allow the safe construction of our underground infrastructure. This is called dewatering.
The dewatering pumps need to run day and night, 7 days a week to keep the ground dry enough to work, while we install most of the underground infrastructure.
The pumps might generate some noise, but we trust this will be minimal. We have placed the pumps behind a tree canopy and we will have noise mitigation measures in place to minimise the risk of inconvenience. You can contact us with any questions.
November 2022
The site has been setup and some work has begun within the temporary fencing. We will begin major construction activities in early November. This will include:
Dewatering: pumping our the excess groundwater to keep the site safe to build on.
Piling: creating a watertight underground structure to accommodate the new pumping station.
August 2022
Ground surveys will take place over the next week with construction planned to start in early September.
Taylor O’Dea - Community Engagement Advisor