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Project goal:

Upgrade the existing Burrup Seawater Supply Scheme 


In delivery

Delivery Date:

2023 to 2026

What is happening?

We plan to upgrade the existing Burrup Seawater Supply Scheme to:

  • ensure the continued safe operation and maintenance of the scheme
  • enable the addition of a new customer

When is this happening?

A timeline of work  
Work Timeframe
  • Installation of customer supply and return points on the pipeline.Two packages moving powerlines underground as well as a causeway and conveyor crossing.
Completed in 2023.
  • Three Sisters temporary tank installation (contract awarded to Trioda).
  • Sample building upgrades (contract awarded to Trility).
Completed February 2025.
  • Burrup Seawater Supply Scheme pump station and electrical upgrades (contract awarded to DT Infrastructure).
    • additional pumps at the jetty location to upgrade the pump station
    • upgrade of electrical supply and distribution assets.
  • New Three Sisters Tank and customer connection (contract awarded to Westforce).
    • additional seawater storage located at the existing seawater supply tank site.
    • addition of new customer connection points.

Commence March 2025. Will take approximately 12 months to complete.
  • Jetty extension (approximately 12 months of construction).
  • Installation of an above-ground pigging receival station pipeline (approximately 10 months of construction).

Scheduled in late 2025.

What is the scope of works proposed through this project?

The below map shows the location of the proposed works. View an enlarged map of the work area.

Map of work

Protecting Aboriginal Heritage

Consultation with Traditional Owners through Murujuga Aboriginal Corporation has been ongoing throughout planning and into delivery of the project. Consultation will continue to ensure the works associated with the scheme will not impact known heritage sites.

Protecting the environment

Following significant investigations and consultation, the proposal was referred to the Commonwealth Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) for review in accordance with the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Commonwealth) (EPBC Act). Approval was received in mid-2024.  

Environmental approvals

Water Corporation sought approval to complete the scheme upgrade works under both State (Environmental Protection Act 1986) and Commonwealth (Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999) environmental approval processes.  The Burrup Seawater Supply Scheme currently operates under State Government Ministerial Statements (MS) 567 and 594, which allows for the abstraction of seawater and the disposal of up to 208 ML/day of industrial and domestic waste and brine. 

We completed marine modelling and environmental investigations, noise modelling and an Aboriginal Heritage Survey. Specific environmental studies undertaken have included a flora and fauna survey, benthic and habitat assessments (sea floor studies), marina fauna desktop assessment, dye tracer study and dispersion modelling, noise and air modelling and contamination studies. These supported our referrals for environmental approval.

Consultation with Traditional Owners has continued through Murujuga Aboriginal Corporation to ensure the works associated with the scheme are not going to impact known heritage sites. In the event of a previously unidentified heritage item being uncovered during works, all work will stop, and relevant procedures followed. An Indigenous Engagement Strategy has been developed for this project, which outlines our commitment to relationship building and participation opportunities for Aboriginal people.

Description of works

Environmental approval

Timing of submission

The proposed works include:

  • Jetty extension and upgrade
  • Duplication of a small section of the seawater supply main to improve operational safety.
  • Additional seawater storage located at the existing seawater supply tank site via a bigger tank.
  • Upgrade of electrical supply

Environmental Protection Act 1986 (WA) (EP Act)

Proposed request under section 45C to amend MS 594 to change the proposal to include the description of works. The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER) administers the request for the amendment. Amendments under section 45C may not be made if they are considered significant.

Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Commonwealth) (EPBC Act)

Proposed referral in accordance with the EPBC Act to assess whether the action needs approval under the EPBC Act. The Commonwealth Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) administers the referral. Referrals that are not deemed to significantly impact on Matters of National Environmental Significance do not need approval.

Submission approved in mid-2024

Kristy Lind - Community Engagement Specialist

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