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Project goal:

To renew water pipes in East Fremantle, Bicton and Palmyra to secure the reliability of water to the area for decades to come.  



Delivery Date:

Mid-2023 to March 2024

Project schedule

From early June 2023, our authorised contractor DM Civil began work on Stage 2 work of this project. This work included the installation of a new water main along Petra Street at the intersection of Canning Highway, between Hammad St and Bicton Centre Shopping Centre. Work is now complete.

Construction was undertaken in a staged approach followed by decommissioning and restoring verges and roads. Staging dates and traffic maps throughout Stage 2 are shown in the table below.

Location                         Dates and times* Section maps
Section 1
Tunnelling under Canning Highway along Petra St
COMPLETE Wednesday 12 July to Friday 14 July

Map 1

Map 2 

Section 2
Construction along Petra St towards Hammad St

Friday 14 July - Monday 24 July


Monday 24 July - Monday 31 July


Monday 31 July - Monday 7 August

Monday 7 August - Monday 11 September

Map 2.1

Maps 2.2 and 2.3

Maps 2.4 and 2.5

Maps 2.6 and 2.

Section 3
Pipe installation across Petra Street


Thursday 14 September - Monday 18 September


Monday 18 September - Wednesday 27 September


Wednesday 27 September - Friday 27 October Monday to Saturday

Final road reinstatements for Petra Street will occur from 6-7 November as night works.

Map 3


Maps 3.2


Maps 3.3

Section 4
Connect pipe at Canning Hwy / Sewell St, including reinstatement


Monday 23 October - Sunday 29 October

Monday to Saturday between 7am-7pm daily  

 Map 4
Section 5
Connect pipe on Fletcher St (at Moss & Petra St junctions)


Monday 30 October - Friday 3 November

Monday to Friday between 7am-7pm daily 

Map 5
Section 6
Decommissioning work  


Work will be carried out at various locations between Monday 30 October and Thursday 30 November

Petra Street - 9pm to 6am - Monday 6 & Tuesday 7 November (concluding 6am Wednesday morning) - COMPLETE

Preston Point Road and Canning Highway - 9pm to 6am - Tuesday 7 & Wednesday 8 November - COMPLETE

May Street and Canning Highway junction - 9pm to 6am - Tuesday 7 November - COMPLETE

Staton Street and Canning Highway junction - 7pm to 6am - Tuesday 7, Wednesday 8 & Thursday 16 November - COMPLETE

Alexandra Road and Canning Highway junction - 7pm to 6am - Thursday 9 November - COMPLETE

Osborne Road and Canning Highway junction - 7pm to 6am - Wednesday 8, Thursday 9 & Wednesday 15 November -COMPLETE

Walter Street and Canning Highway junction - 7pm to 6am - Wednesday 8, Friday 10 & Wednesday 15 November -COMPLETE

Stratford Street and Canning Highway junction - 7pm to 6am - Wednesday 8, Friday 10 & Thursday 16 November -COMPLETE

Gill Street and Canning Highway - 7pm to 6am - COMPLETE

Clayton Street and Canning Highway - -COMPLETE



Petra Map


Preston Map


May Map


Staton Map


Alexandra Map


Osborne Map


Walter Map


Stratford Map


Gill Map


Clayton Map

Section 7
Grout old pipe on Canning Hwy


Work will be carried out at various locations between Monday 20
 November - Friday 15 December

Preston Point Road - Wednesday 22 to Friday 24 November- 9am to 3pm - COMPLETE

Staton Road - Wednesday 22 to Friday 24 November - 9am to 3pm - COMPLETE

Alexandra Street - Monday 27 to Wednesday 29 November - 7am to 6pm - COMPLETE

Osborne Street - Monday 27 to Wednesday 29 November - 7am to 6pm COMPLETE

Walter Street - Monday 27 November to Monday 4 December - COMPLETE

Clayton Street - Tuesday 5 December to Friday 8 December - 7am to 6pm  - COMPLETE

Petra Street - Tuesday 5 December to Friday 8 December - 7am to 4pm - COMPLETE

Sewell Street - COMPLETE

Preston Map

Staton Map

Alexandra Map

Osborne Map

Walter Map

Clayton Map

Petra Map

Sewell Map

Section 8
Restore road surfaces and verges


Work will be commence during December 2023 and continue through February 2024.

Reinstatements will be undertaken at the following locations:

Sewell Street COMPLETE

Gill Street -COMPLETE

May Street -COMPLETE

Osborne Street - COMPLETE

Preston Point Road - COMPLETE

Staton Road -  COMPLETE

Clayton Street COMPLETE

Stratford Map COMPLETE

Walter Street COMPLETE

Petra Street COMPLETE

Canning Highway footpath - In progress


Preston Map


Staton Map


Clayton Map


Stratford Map


Walter Map


Petra Map 1


Petra Map 2

Canning Map


Community impacts

Road closures and traffic interruptions: There will be road and lane closures along Petra Street.

  • Traffic management and detours will be in place.
  • Access to shopping centre precincts at the intersection of Canning Highway and Petra Street will be maintained.
  • Most work will be occurring within the road.
  • The works will impact some verges.
  • Foot traffic will be managed by our construction contractor DM Civil and their traffic management subcontractor.

Water supply interruptions:
There may be a temporary water supply interruption to your property during the work. We will contact you directly if your property is affected.

Impacts on businesses:
We appreciate this work may cause temporary disruptions, and thank you for your understanding.

Water Corporation is working with the City of Melville, Bicton Central shopping centre and Stammers Marketplace to support property owners and businesses through the works.

Notice for the community: 
Please continue supporting local businesses during construction. They will remain open and trading as usual.

Construction enquiries

For construction-related enquiries, please get in touch with the DM Civil Project Manager on 0438 364 426.

Project scope

Our authorised contractor DM Civil will install a new water main along Petra St, at the intersection of Canning Highway, between Hammad St and Bicton Central shopping centre. Horizontal drilling will continue the pipe under Canning Highway at the corners of Petra Street.

Once this section has been installed, additional work will be required at other sites in East Fremantle to connect the new water main to the existing network and to decommission the old water main.


Please visit this page to stay updated with the latest works, traffic impacts, and project updates.

March 2024

Monthly Project Update

Water Corporation's authorised contractor DM Civil, have completed section 8 work to replace road surfaces and footpaths impacted by work to date.

What has been achieved to date:

  • Sections 1 to 7 have been completed
  • Section 8 work to restore road surfaces, footpaths and verges across the project are now complete.
  • This now concludes work across the project.

We would like to thank the local community, residents and businesses for their patience during these disruptive works.

February 2024

Monthly Project Update

Water Corporation's authorised contractor DM Civil, have commenced section 8 work to replace road surfaces, kerb and footpaths impacted by work to date.

What has been achieved to date:

  • Sections 1 to 7 have been completed
  • Section 8 work to restore road surfaces at Petra Street are complete
  • Work to restore road surfaces was undertaken in late January at a number of intersections along Canning Highway including Preston Point Road, May Street, Staton Road, Clayton Street, Gill Street and Osborne Street

Upcoming works/update:

  • Work to restore verges including footpaths and some road patch repairs will be undertaken in late February at Preston Point Road, Staton Road, Clayton Street, Stratford Road and Walter Street.
  • Work to restore verges and footpaths will also be undertake at two sites on Petra Street in late February.   
  • Directly impacted customers and businesses will be notified by a letterbox drop or by email.

January 2024

Monthly Project Update

Water Corporation's authorised contractor DM Civil, have commenced section 8 work to replace road surfaces, kerb and footpaths impacted by work to date.

What has been achieved to date:

  • Sections 1 to 7 have been completed
  • Section 8 reinstatement of road surfaces are complete at Petra Street

Upcoming works/update:

  • Section 8 Reinstatement works will take place over the coming weeks.
  • Work will vary at each site but may include asphalt, kerb and or footpath replacement. 
  • Road resurfacing work at Preston Point Road, May Street, Staton Road, Clayton Street, Gill Street and Osborn Street will take place overnight from 8pm Wednesday 24 January until 6am on Thursday 25 January. 
  • Directly impacted customers and businesses will be notified by a letterbox drop or by email.

December 2023

Monthly Project Update

Water Corporation's authorised contractor DM Civil, have completed section seven works to grout sections of old water pipe along Canning Highway in East Fremantle, Bicton, and Palmyra.

What has been achieved to date:

  • Sections 1 to 7 have been completed
  • Grouting of old pipe was completed at Osborne Street, Walter Street, Clayton Street and Petra Street along Canning Highway.

Upcoming works/update:

  • Section 8 Reinstatement works are scheduled to take place shortly at recent decomissioning sites. Work will vary at each site but may include asphalt, kerb and or footpath replacement. Directly impacted customers and businesses will be notified by a letterbox drop. We will update the dates on the webpage once more information becomes available.

November 2023

Fortnightly Project Update

Water Corporation's authorised contractor DM Civil, have completed section six of works to decommission the old water pipe along Canning Highway in East Fremantle, Bicton, and Palmyra.

What has been achieved to date:

  • Sections 1 to 6 have been completed
  • Decommissioning of the old pipe at six sites along Canning Highway was completed to schedule during recent night work. Thank you for your patience during this work.
  • Grouting of old pipe was completed at Sewell Street, Preston Point Road, Staton Road and Alexandra Street along Canning Highway.

Upcoming works/update:

  • Grouting the old pipe will continue at various sites on Canning Highway over the next fortnight.
  • Reinstatement works at recent decomissioning sites will take place from early to mid December. Works will vary at each site but may include asphalting, kerb and footpath replacement. Directly impacted customers will be notified by a letterbox drop.

Fortnightly Project Update

Water Corporation's authorised contractor DM Civil, are progressing through section six of works to decommission the old water pipe along Canning Highway in East Fremantle, Bicton, and Palmyra.

What has been achieved to date:

  • Sections 1 to 5 have been completed
  • Connections along Fletcher Street at the Moss St intersection and Petra St intersection were completed as per the schedule.
  • Final reinstatements (asphalting and kerbing) at the Petra and Hammad intersection were completed to schedule.
  • Decommissioning of the old pipe at 4 of the 10 sites along Canning Highway was completed to schedule during recent night work. Additional night work will be required at 4 locations (Staton Street, Walter St, Osborne Road and Stratford Street) this fortnight to complete the work. Dates and times to be confirmed.
  • Decommissioning at two additional sites will be complete by early December, dates and times to be confirmed.

Upcoming works/update:

  • Decommissioning of the old pipe continues and grouting the old pipe will commence from  Monday 20 November. Dates and times to be confirmed. Directly impacted customers will be notified by a letterbox drop.

Thank you for your patience and understanding throughout the recent night works.

October 2023

Fortnightly project update

Water Corporation’s authorised contractor DM Civil, are progressing through section five of works to renew water pipes in East Fremantle, Bicton, and Palmyra.

What has been achieved to date:

  • Sections 1 to 4 have been completed as per the schedule.
  • Construction at section 4 along Canning Highway has been completed with final reinstatements being completed today. From Wednesday 1 November this site will reopen as normal.
  • Connections along Fletcher Street at the Moss St intersection and Petra St intersection commenced as per the schedule and are on track for completion at the end of this week.

Upcoming works/update:

  • Final reinstatements will be carried out at the Petra and Hammad intersection on the nights of Monday 6 November and Tuesday 7 November between 9pm-6am. Driveways will be impacted and there will be detours in place to facilitate works, directly impacted customers have been notified by letter box drop and/or via email. 
  • Decommissioning of the old pipe is expected to commence at various sites during November. Dates and times to be confirmed. Directly impacted customers will be notified by a letterbox drop.

Fortnightly project update

Water Corporation’s authorised contractor DM Civil, are progressing through section three of works to renew water pipes in East Fremantle, Bicton, and Palmyra.

What has been achieved to date:

• Sections 1 to 3.2 have been completed as per the schedule.
• Construction at section 3.3 has progressed according to the proposed schedule. Petra Street and Hammad Street are projected to reopen from October 27. These dates are an estimate and are subject to change noting contractors will return to complete final reinstatements early November as communicated on the website.

Upcoming works/update:
• Construction at section 4 (Canning Highway/Sewell Street intersection) will commence from Monday 23 October and is estimated to be completed by Sunday 29 October. Impacted customers have been notified by email and via letterbox drop.
• From Monday 30 October connections will be completed at the Fletcher St/Moss St junction and the Fletcher St/Petra St junction. Directly impacted customers will be notified by a letterbox drop.
• Decommissioning of the old pipe is expected to commence at various sites during November. Dates and times to be confirmed. Directly impacted customers will be notified by a letterbox drop.

Fortnightly project update

Pipes for East Fremantle fortnightly project update 3 October 2023

Water Corporation’s authorised contractor DM Civil, are progressing through section three of works to renew water pipes in East Fremantle, Bicton, and Palmyra.

What has been achieved to date:
• Section 3 and 3.2 construction works have been completed as per the schedule.
• DM Civil have encountered an unforeseen obstacle in the ground that could potentially impact construction completion dates at section 3.3. Risk assessments are being carried out to establish a safe and efficient construction methodology, which may slightly delay completion of this section of works. Maintaining the safety of our contractors, staff and community is a priority and risk assessments need to be carried out before work continues.

Upcoming works/update:
• The project team will continue the risk assessment at section 3.3. At this stage section 3.3 is predicted to be completed by late October 2023. However, this is subject to change.
• Connections are expected to be carried out at the Canning Highway/Sewell Street intersection in late October and along Fletcher Street in early November. Dates and times to be confirmed.
• Decommissioning of the old pipe is expected to be carried out at various sites during November. Dates and times to be confirmed.
• Grouting at sections along Canning Highway is expected to be completed late November to late December. Dates and times to be confirmed.

September 2023

Fortnightly project update

Possible discoloured water in your area

Since May 2023 our authorised contractor DM Civil has been working to renew water pipes in East Fremantle, Bicton and Palmyra to secure the reliability of water in the area.

As part of this work we will need to complete connections which might cause you to experience water discolouration.

How does this impact me?

You will still be able to access water, however you may experience water discolouration due to the change in pressure, stirring up natural sediment in the water pipes. Please be assured the water is still safe to use and will clear with normal use across the network.

If you experience discoloured water:

  • Run the outside garden tap at the front of your property for a few minutes, until the water clears
  • Repeat the step above for an outside tap at the rear of your property
  • Do not use washing machines, dishwashers or other water using appliances until the water is clear. If clothing is stained during washing, leave the clothes immersed in water and call us on 13 13 75.

Learn more about what to do here.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your patience and understanding while we complete this work.

Fortnightly project update

Water Corporation’s authorised contractor DM Civil, are progressing through section two of works to renew water pipes in East Fremantle, Bicton, and Palmyra.

What has been achieved to date:
1. Section 2.6 and 2.7 works are being finalised and will be completed by the 11 September 2023.
2. Connections at Fraser Street are in progress and will be completed by 13 September 2023.

Upcoming works/update:
3. From Tuesday 11 September Section 3 works will commence as per the schedule for the next fortnight.
4. Water Corporation are working with DM Civil to confirm details of further connections and decommissioning works. Further details will be provided once confirmed.

August 2023

Our authorised contractor DM Civil is progressing through Stage 2 works to install a new water main along Petra Street, at the intersection of Canning Highway, between Hammad St and Bicton Centre Shopping Centre.

As part of these works the contractor needs to complete connections along Fraser Street.

Where will this be happening?

A section along Fraser Street will need to be closed off to allow works to be completed.

This section of work does not impact residential driveways.

Map of Fraser St connection works and the areas impacted

How will this impact me?

  • You'll notice traffic management and contractors onsite between Monday 28 August – Wednesday 13September 2023 sometime between 7am-7pm daily.
  • Temporary traffic and speed restrictions will apply in the vicinity of the works.
  • Signage will be in place to alert road users to the changes in traffic conditions. Road users are advised to take care when travelling through the area.
  • Local residents impacted by works will have traffic controllers in place to provide assistance.
  • There will be no interruptions to water supply. However, there may be an increase in noise from excavations, odours and dust.

Fortnightly project update

What has been achieved to date:

  • Section 2.6 and 2.7 construction works are in progress and are tracking as per the schedule.
  • Over the last two weeks DM Civil accessed various air and scour valves located across Bicton, Palmyra and East Fremantle, works were completed successfully. 

Upcoming works/update:

  • Section 2.6 and 2.7 construction works will continue as per the schedule for the next fortnight.
  • This week, DM Civil have commenced connections which might cause some residents in Fremantle to experience water discolouration sometime between 21 to 25 August 2023. Impacted residents have been notified via email.
  • Water Corporation are working with DM Civil to confirm details of further connections and decommissioning works. Further details will be provided once confirmed. 

To view a detailed project schedule please select the project details tab.

Fortnightly project update

Water Corporation’s authorised contractor DM Civil, are progressing through section two of works to renew water pipes in East Fremantle, Bicton, and Palmyra.

What has been achieved to date:

  • Section 2.4 and 2.5 works have been completed on schedule.
  • Petra Street north and southbound has reopened, traffic management has been changed according to the construction schedule.

Upcoming works/update:

  • Section 2.6 and 2.7 construction works are in progress and are tracking as per the schedule.
  • Vehicles will still be able to access all carparks via detours. See links to traffic management maps.
  • Over the next two weeks DM Civil contractors will be accessing various air and scour valves located across Bicton, Palmyra and East Fremantle. Impacted residents have been notified via a letter box drop.
  • Later this month, DM Civil will be completing connections which might cause some residents in Fremantle to experience water discolouration sometime between 21 to 25 August 2023. Impacted residents have been notified via email. 

To view a detailed project schedule please select the project details tab.

July 2023

Fortnightly project update

Water Corporation’s authorised contractor DM Civil, are progressing through section two of works to renew water pipes in East Fremantle, Bicton, and Palmyra.

What has been achieved to date:

Section 1 and 2 of works have been completed according to the schedule.

  • Construction has moved south down Petra Street towards Hammad Street and traffic management has been changed according to the construction schedule.
  • Reinstatement of Petra Street on the north side of Canning Highway, including asphalting and re-opening of the road was completed.
  • Installation of temporary above ground pipework on Petra Street south of Canning Highway to facilitate required water main isolations completed.
Upcoming works/update:
  • Section 2.2 and 2.3 construction works are in progress and are tracking as per the schedule. 
  • Petra Street will reopen north and southbound From 4 August 2023*. 
  • Vehicles will still be able to access all car parks via detours. See links to traffic management maps below.

Fortnightly project update

Water Corporation’s authorised contractor DM Civil, are progressing through section two of works to renew water pipes in East Fremantle, Bicton, and Palmyra.

What has been achieved to date:
  • Tunnelling under Canning Highway is has been completed.
  • Pit on the north side of Canning Highway has been backfilled.
  • Coffee voucher activation launched to further support the small business community during construction.
Upcoming works/update:
  • Reinstatement of Petra Street on the north side of Canning Highway, including asphalting and re-opening of the road will be completed within the next week.
  • Installation of temporary above ground pipework on Petra Street south of Canning Highway to facilitate required water main isolations.
  • From 12 July 2023 construction will move further south down Petra Street – see below table for more information, note dates and times are subject to change and are an estimate. 
  • The entrance to the Stammers Marketplace car park along Petra St will be impacted to facilitate construction and to ensure the safety of workers, pedestrians, deliveries, and vehicles moving in the area. Traffic management will be in place.
  • Car parks in the precinct will continue to be impacted intermittently as works move up and down Petra St and towards Hammad Street. Vehicles will still be able to access all car parks via detours.

Update on work in East Fremantle

Our licenced contractor, DM Civil, recently completed work along Petra Street and under Canning Highway to install new a water pipeline. This work will help secure the reliability of water in Fremantle for decades to come.

The next stage of work (Section 2) will now begin along Petra Street towards Hammad Street.

What to expect:

  • On Tuesday 11 July 2023, the driveway next to Visionary Optical (93 Petra Street) will be closed between 7am and 7pm to install a temporary fire service. Vehicles will still be able to enter and exit the car park via the entrance located further down Hammad Street.
  • From 12 July to 21 July 2023, the two driveways entering Stammers Marketplace along Petra Street will be closed. Vehicles will be able to enter and exit via Hammad Street or Canning Highway
  • Section_2_ DN400_open_trench_Visionary_Optical

  • Truck deliveries to Stammers Marketplace will be managed by DM Civil in collaboration with businesses.
  • Vehicles will still be able to turn from Canning Highway south down Petra Street.
  • To ensure work is completed safely, traffic management and detours will be in place.
  • Traffic management is interchangeable and will be moved around to facilitate Section 2 works. Traffic Management maps have been published on the website.

For more information on this work and traffic impact maps please continue to check this website.

We apologise for any inconvenience and thank you for your patience and understanding while we complete this work.

Contact us

If you have any feedback, or require further information, please contact Community Engagement Advisor, Jacqui, on 0455 670 038 or via

For construction related enquiries please call the DM Civil Project Manager on 0438 364 426.

Faults, emergencies and security – 13 13 75 (24 hours).

June 2023

Fortnightly project update

East Fremantle Section 1 Petra Street Water Corporations authorised contractor DM Civil are progressing through section one of works to renew water pipes in East Fremantle, Bicton and Palmyra.

What has been achieved to date
  • Construction started on 14 June 2022.
  • Pits on either side of Canning Highway along Petra Street were excavated to make space for the tunnelling machine.
  • Tunnelling under Canning Highway is progressing according to schedule.
  • Business support activation successfully delivered in collaboration with directly impacted business Rym Tarng.
Upcoming works
  • Continuation of tunnelling works.
  • Installation and connection of water main on Petra Street on the north-side of Canning Highway.
  • Coffee voucher activation will be launched with the small business community to further encourage support to small businesses during construction. Additional traffic management has been requested to ensure safe vehicle movements turning south on Petra Street. Once approvals are granted additional traffic management will be installed.
  • Additional traffic management has been requested to ensure safe vehicle movements turning south on Petra Street. Once approvals are granted additional traffic management will be installed.
  • Additional traffic management has been requested to try discourage drivers from using Stammers Marketplace car park as a thoroughfare from Hammad Street to Canning Highway. Once approvals are granted additional traffic management will be installed.

Upcoming road impacts – Fraser and Walter St junction, East Fremantle

We are currently carrying out works in East Fremantle as part of the Pipes for Perth upgrade along Petra Street. This work will secure the reliability of water to the area for decades to come.

Our authorised contractor DM Civil will be carrying out service location works at the junction located at Fraser and Walter Street.

What to expect:
• The junction at Fraser and Walter Street, East Fremantle will have traffic management directing traffic while service location works are carried out on Monday 3 July 2023 between 12-5pm.
• The road will still be be open to traffic and there will be traffic controllers in place directing vehicles.
• Traffic management and detours will be in place to ensure work is safely completed.


To stay up to date on this please check this website. 

May 2023

Works starting soon

Water Corporation will soon commence works along Petra Street. Key dates for the commencement of works are outlined below: 22 May 2023 - 30 May 2023.

Service location will be carried out to allow the contractor to investigate what services exist underground.

From 31 May 2023* - Traffic management will be installed at the Petra and Canning intersection to prepare for construction. From 6 June 2023* - Construction commences, including micro tunnelling under Canning Highway. *Dates are subject to change

Service location notification


Caption describing what the table is about for screen readers
Order Location Approx. Dates
1 Fraser St at Walter St Monday 22nd May 7am - 6pm
2 Corner St Peters Rd & Sewell St Monday 22nd May 7am - 6pm
3 Fletcher St at Moss St Tuesday 23rd May 7am - 6pm 
4 Fletcher St at Petra St Tuesday 23rd May 7am - 6pm
5 Petra St / Hammad St Intersection Wednesday 24th May to Friday 26th May - Three days 
Daily 7am - 6pm
 6 Petra St at Canning Hwy & down to Hammad St  Sunday 28th May - Monday 29th May - Two nights
(Night Shifts - 9pm to 6am)

Our authorised contractor DM Civil will soon begin work on Stage 2 works to install a new watermain along Petra St, at the intersection of Canning Highway, between Hammad St and Bicton Centre Shopping Centre.

As part of these works service location needs to be carried out.

Where and when will the service location be happening?

From 22 May to 29 May 2023, we will be carrying out investigations at the following locations Petra Street, Sewell Street, St Peters Road, Moss Street, Fletcher Street, Fraser Street and Canning Highway.

To ensure works can be completed as efficiently as possible and to minimise impacts on traffic, works will be carried out between 7am - 6pm or between 9pm-6am on the nights indicated below.

We’re working at night to minimise impacts on traffic and to ensure the safety of our workers. In the event these works need to be rescheduled due to weather conditions or other circumstances outside of our control, we will update this notification.

What will the impacts be?

Road closures and traffic interruptions: 

  • Temporary traffic and speed restrictions will apply in the vicinity of the works
  • Signage will be in place to alert road users to the changes in traffic conditions. Road users are advised to take care when travelling through the area.
  • Short-term lane and footpath closures will be required to complete this work. 
  • Entry and exit to the shopping precincts will remain open between 6am-9pm.
  • Residents and businesses impacted by works will have traffic controllers in place to help with access to driveways.
Water supply interruptions

There will not be any water supply interruption to businesses or residents for service location works.

For issues related to service location works please contact the DM Civil Project Manager on 0438 364 426

Construction starting soon

From late early June 2023 our authorised contractor DM Civil begin work on Stage 2 works to install a new watermain along Petra St, at the intersection of Canning Highway, between Hammad St and Bicton Centre Shopping Centre.

Where and when will works be happening?

Traffic Management along Petra Street will be installed from late early June 2023 with construction commencing early June 2023. Traffic detours will be in place at Petra Street and canning Highway, access to Bicton Central and Stammers Marketplace will be maintained.

There will be a staged approach to construction, and staging dates will be published on the website.

Work will take place on weekdays between 7am and 5pm, and on Saturdays between 7am to 3pm as required.

*Dates are subject to change

Petra detours Map 1


What will the impacts be?

Road closures and traffic interruptions:
There will be road and lane closures along Petra Street.

  • Traffic management and detours will be in place.
  • Access to shopping centre precincts at the intersection of Canning Highway and Petra Street will be maintained.
  • Most work will be occurring within the road.
  • Some verges will be impacted by the works.
  • Foot traffic will be managed by our construction contractor DM Civil and their traffic management subcontractor.

Water supply interruptions:
There may be a temporary water supply interruption to your property during the work. We will contact you directly if your property is affected.

Impacts to businesses:
Water Corporation are working with the City of Melville, Bicton Central shopping centre and Stammers Marketplace to support property owners and businesses through the works as they will be directly impacted. Please continue to support local businesses during construction as they will be remaining open and trading as usual during construction.

We appreciate this work may cause temporary disruptions and thank you for your understanding.
Who can I contact for more information?

For construction related enquiries please contact the DM Civil Project Manager on 0438 364 426

If you have any feedback or concerns, or require further information, please call or email Community Engagement Advisor, Jacqui on 0455 670 038 or

If you need to report a fault, emergency or security issue, call 13 13 75 (24 hours)

We thank you for your patience and appreciate your cooperation while this necessary work is carried out.

We appreciate that during construction, it can be disruptive to the local business community. Significant work is done to ensure these impacts are minimised as much as possible, but some disruption is unavoidable. The level of disruption will vary depending on the type and location of the business and the type and length of time for construction activity.

How do we keep businesses informed?

We are committed to keeping you informed of the project as it progresses. Businesses can stay up to date through a range of channels.- A dedicated Community Engagement Advisor who is available to answer queries in person, via email Providing updates through project newsletters, emails, letterbox drops and business visits.

How are we supporting local businesses?

Guiding Water Corporation’s commitment to working with local businesses are key principles of Community, Connection and Support.

Our project team will be working closely with directly impacted business owners to understand your needs and minimise the impact of these disruptions while providing ongoing support.

Community Connection Support


Small business information session

On Monday, 1 May 2023 Water Corporation collaborated with the Small Business Development Corporation (SBDC) to host an online business information session to prepare and support small businesses through construction.

The session covered what businesses can expect pre and during construction, what Water Corporation are doing to support businesses and Andrew from SBDC went through how businesses can prepare and get through construction. 

Thank you to the businesses that attended! It's great to see an engaged business community who are actively preparing for construction.  

Businesses in the precinct have been sent a link to the presentation - if you would like information about where you can watch the session please email



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Contact us

24 hour Faults, Emergencies and Security Line