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Project goal:

To reline old wastewater pipes, protecting the local wastewater system, homes and environment.


In progress

Delivery Date:

Early-2025 to late-2025. Work will take place intermittently over a few days on each street between January 2025 and September 2025.

What's happening?

Sewer relining is an ongoing program to renew ageing wastewater pipes. This work is completed by our authorised contractors. Where possible, pipes are relined using trenchless technology.

This means we won’t need to dig anything up to replace the pipes, minimising the impact on the local community. Check out the tab ‘How does it work’ for more information.

Where is this happening?

Work areas with relevant commencement dates will be confirmed soon

Why is this work taking place?

To ensure our central wastewater system continues to be safe and reliable. The work will extend the life of this important infrastructure by at least 50 years.

When is this happening?

Sewer relining is an ongoing project across the state which started over 10 years ago.  

How will this impact the community?

Work activities

Nearby residents may notice more activity in the area. Noise from generators and vehicles and temporary odour. Work will be approved in advance by your local government authority.

Generally, we will be in one area for no more than six days at a time as we progress work along the wastewater route. If required, traffic management will be in place to direct people around the work area.

Access to property

Contractors will be working in both verges and/or roads and may work in the boundary of private properties. If crews need access to your property, they will contact you to discuss the work and arrange entry. They will only need access to your back or front yard and will not need to enter your home.

During the work

If you experience any odour in your bathroom, flush your toilet and pour water down the floor drain. Where possible, please close all toilet covers during this period.

In the rare instance wastewater does overflow out of your toilet, please notify the relevant contractor immediately. The contractor will assess the issue and work with you to organise a clean-up.

Caption describing what the table is about for screen readers
Step 1 - Pipes are checked via CCTV
To determine exactly what we need to do to fix them.
Step 1 - Pipes are checked via CCTV 
Step 2 - Pipes are cleaned
High pressure water is jetted through the pipes. It may cause some odour or on a rare occasion, spurting from your toilet. We therefore advise to keep the toilet lid down. If water does spurt out of the toilet, please contact the Interflow Project Manager immediately.
Step 1 - Pipes are cleaned
Step 3 - Pipes are relined
A new liner is installed inside the old pipe by a machine and forms a new pipe.
 Step 3 - Pipes are relined
Step 4 - New pipe is connected
Lateral lines (property connections) are reconnected to the new pipe and junctions are sealed to protect the new pipe. This opens the connection to provide access to the system.
 Step 4 - New pipe is connected
Step 5 - Pipes are checked
This ensures that the job has been done properly. If we find any issues, we'll come back and fix it. We may need to return to the area to repeat the above steps.
 Step 5 - Pipes are checked

Street  Suburb
 Kathleen Ave  Maylands
Peninsula Road  Maylands
 Wolseley Road  Morley
 Wellington Road  Morley
 Hotham Street  Bayswater
 Toowong Street  Bayswater
 Bowden Street  Bayswater

Street  Suburb
 Wright Street  Kewdale

Street  Suburb
 High Road  Riverton

 Street  Suburb
 Chalmers Street  Fremantle
 Attfield Street Fremantle
 Lilly Street  South Fremantle
 Wood Street  Fremantle
 Stirling Highway  Fremantle
 Holland Street  Fremantle 

Street Suburb
Leghorn Road Orelia
 Barron Way Orelia

Street  Suburb
 Gillet Drive  Kardinya
 Bristol Ave  Bicton
 Point Walter Road  Bicton

 Street  Suburb
Doonan Street   Nedlands
 Vincent Street  Nedlands
 Jenkins Ave  Nedlands
 Waroonga Road  Nedlands
 Edward Street  Nedlands
 Stanley Street  Nedlands
 Webster Street  Nedlands
 Bedford Street  Nedlands
 Baird Ave  Nedlands
 Martin Ave  Nedlands
 Melvista Ave Nedlands
 Lorikeet Lane  Nedlands

Street  Suburb
 Murray Street  Perth
 Outram Street  Perth
 Harvest Terrace  West Perth
 Parliament Place  West Perth
 Waterloo Cres  East Perth
 Thomas Street   West Perth

Street  Suburb
 Coode Street  South Perth
 Anstey Street South Perth 
 Hensman Street  South Perth
 Glyde Street  South Perth
 Birdwood Ave  Como
 Bland Street Como 
 South Terrace  Como
 Hovia Terrace South Perth 

 Street  Suburb
 Sheldrake Street  Stirling
 Corella Street  Stirling
 Farnley Street  Mount Lawley
 Almondbury Road  Mount Lawley
 Railway Parade  Mount Lawley
 Woodsome Street  Mount Lawley
 Woodroyd Street  Mount Lawley
 North Street  Mount Lawley
 Fourth Ave  Mount Lawley
 Loveridge Lane  Wembley
 Salvado Road  Wembley
 Wasley Street  Mount Lawley
 Forrest Street  Mount Lawley
 Graham Road  Menora
 Adair Parade  Coolbinia
 Elstree Ave  Menora
 Chine Place  Hamersley
 Cecil Place  Hamersley

 Street Suburb 
 Hamilton Street  Subiaco
 Subiaco Road  Subiaco
 Browne Street  Subiaco
 Heytesbury Road  Subiaco
 Hensman Road Shenton Park
 Rosalie Street  Shenton Park
 Loretto Street  Subiaco
 Thomas Street  Subiaco

 Street Suburb 
Charles Street Midland
George Street Midland
 Station Street  Guildford
 Martha Street Guildford 

 Street  Suburb
 Lincoln Street  Highgate
 Wright Street  Highgate
 Raglan Road  North Perth
 Woodville Street  North Perth
 View Street  North Perth

Street  Suburb
 Wanneroo Road  Marangaroo
 Marangaroo Drive  Marangaroo

 Street  Suburb
 Kingia Place  Pinjarra

 Street  Suburb
 Whitfield Street  Bassendean
 West Road  Bassendean

 Street  Suburb
 Connaught Street  West Leederville
 Barrington Street  West Leederville
 Cambridge Street  Wembley
 Selby Street  Wembley
 Kilkenny Road  Floreat

 Street  Suburb
Davies Road  Claremont
Jetty Road Claremont

 Street  Suburb
Broome Street Cottesloe
Hawkstone Street Cottesloe
 John Street Cottesloe
 Loma Street  Cottesloe
 Avonmore Terrace  Cottesloe
 Seadragon Lane  Cottesloe
 Jarrad Street  Cottesloe

 Street  Suburb
 Glyde Street  East Fremantle
 Hubble Street  East Fremantle 
 Canning Highway   East Fremantle
 Fortescue Street  East Fremantle
 Fraser Street  East Fremantle
 Allen Street  East Fremantle
 Dalgety Street  East Fremantle

Street  Suburb
 Hope Street  Mosman Park
 Lochee Street  Mosman Park

Street  Suburb
 Rand Avenue  Waikiki
 Atlantic Way  Waikiki
 Simpson Avenue  Rockingham
 Adina Way  Rockingham

Street  Suburb
Streatley Road Lathlain
Rutland Ave  Lathlain
 Bright Street  Kensington
 Brandon Terrace  Kensington
 Banksia Terrace   Kensington
 Vista Street  Kensington
 Dyson Street   Kensington

Contact us

24 hour Faults, Emergencies and Security Line

Caroline McCumiskey – Community Engagement Advisor