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Project goal:

We will be upgrading the bridge on Sleeman Road in Youngs Siding, Albany.


In planning

Delivery Date:


What's happening?

We will be replacing the single lane bridge that crosses over the Sleeman River on Sleeman Road in Youngs Siding, Albany. The new bridge will be a double lane bridge and will require a slight road re-alignment approaching / departing the bridge.

The bridge over the Sleeman River Main Drain was originally built in 1960. It has been refurbished in the past but requires a full replacement to ensure it is safe to use. We will also be installing additional signage upon completion of the work. 

Where is this happening?

The below map shows the work area, and the proposed detour route.

 Map of Sleeman Road detour route

When is this work happening?

We expect construction to begin in late 2025 / early 2026 and it will take approximately six months to complete. We will update you further once we have a confirmed start date. 

What impact will this work have?

Traffic management
In order to safely complete this work, there will be pedestrian and traffic management in place during construction. We will provide you with an update once we have a confirmed traffic management plan.  

Munda Biddi Cycle Trail
Due to the work area impacting the Munda Biddi Cycle Trail, we may need to close off a section of the trail to the public. We are working with the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA) on this and will provide further information as plans progress.  

Reinstatement of affected areas

We complete a thorough reinstatement process to ensure all impacted areas are replaced like for like, where practically possible. We will also work closely with the City of Albany to ensure all reinstatements are carried out to a high and acceptable standard. 



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Emma Halligan - Community Engagement Advisor