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Project goal:

To upgrade four wastewater pump stations across the metropolitan area to ensure we can continue to provide safe and reliable wastewater services for Perth's growing communities.


In construction

Delivery Date:

2023 - 2024

What's happening?

We will be doing electrical upgrades to improve the safety and reliability of four wastewater pump stations, to ensure we can continue to provide safe and reliable wastewater services in the City of Stirling, City of Melville and City of Canning.

Where is this happening?

This project will upgrade the following wastewater pump stations:

  1. Dog Swamp wastewater pump station in Yokine
  2. Harborne St wastewater pump station in Osborne Park
  3. Leach Highway wastewater pump station in Brentwood
  4. Coulson Way wastewater pump station in Canning Vale

Maps of each location:

Dog Swamp - Yokine
Harborne St - Osborne Park
Leach Highway - Brentwood
Coulson Way - Canning Vale

When is this happening?

When is this happening?
Location Local Government Authority (LGA) Timing
Dog Swamp wastewater pump station in Yokine City of Stirling 2024
Harborne St wastewater pump station in Osborne Park City of Stirling Currently in progress
Leach Highway wastewater pump station in Brentwood City of Melville End of 2024 to early 2025
Coulson Way wastewater pump station in Canning Vale City of Canning Currently in progress

Timing will be updated as project progresses

How will this impact the community?

Residents and local businesses may notice more activity and noise around the wastewater pump station, due to activity and truck movements. This will be limited to our work hours of Monday to Saturday 7am to 5pm.

We understand and appreciate this causes temporary inconvenience and disruption in the community, and we are committed to working with our customers to minimise impact.

Belinda Salvoni - Community Engagement Advisor

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