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Needle-Leaf Lomandra

Genus: Lomandra
Species: confertifolia
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Blue-green, needle-like foliage is a feature of this small, grassy native of the Eastern states.

Ideal for border, drift and infill planting, Lomandra species impact in the landscape where mass plantings make for remarkable living foliage statements. Prospering in aspects which are more sunny than shady and tolerating a wide range of soil conditions, this plant requires little to no maintenance. Perfect not only for the low care waterwise garden but your lifestyle too!

Cultivars include 'Crackerjack', 'Mist', 'Seascape', 'Little Con', 'Keira', 'Lime Divine', 'Frosty Top', 'Little Cricket', 'Wingara', 'Lime Tuff' and 'Tilga'.

Pronunciation: Low-man-d-rah