Waterwise Plant Details
NZ Tea Tree, Manuka

- Genus: Leptospermum
- Species: scoparium
A range of fast growing shrubs, generally around 2 metres high and wide with small, stiff, slightly prickly foliage and massed, showy, single or double flowers, mainly in spring.
Cultivars include 'Ashburton Wax' (white to light pink flowers), 'Ballerina' (dark green foliage, red new growth, pink flowers), 'Burgundy Queen' (3 metre dark green foliage, red new growth, double red flowers), 'Emily Nao' (to 1.5 metre, pale pink flowers), 'Nanum Rubrum' (to 1 metre high, dark red single flowers), 'Pearl' (to 2.5 metre, double white to pink flowers), 'Pink Cascade' (1 metre, weeping habit, pink flowers) 'Red Damask' (dark green to bronze foliage, double crimson red flowers), 'Winter Cheer' (to 1.5 metre, red flowers) and' Wiri Donna' (rich green foliage with a purplish tinge and crimson flowers).
Pronunciation: Lept-o-sper-mum