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Project goal:

To construct a new water pipeline to improve the reliability of water supply for the Goldfields and Agricultural Water Scheme (GAWS).

Type of project:

Water pipeline

New water pipeline

This project is part of the City of Swan water upgrades


In construction

Delivery date:

February 2024 - early-mid 2025

What's happening?

We are constructing a new and larger 2.4-kilometre water pipeline that supplies water for the Goldfields and Agricultural Water Scheme (GAWS) and around 24,000 customers in the Greenmount water zone. GAWS is our largest scheme, covering the area from Mundaring Weir in the Perth hills to Kalgoorlie. This upgrade is to improve the reliability of water supply.

A small section of the existing pipeline will be removed within the Helena Valley Lifestyle Village to enable them to connect their community and build over the pipeline path. Once the larger pipeline is in place, the rest of the existing pipeline will continue to be utilised within the water network.

Where is this happening?

The work is taking place from Talbot Road in Hazelmere, along Helena Valley Road to the Scott Street intersection in Helena Valley. 


Why is this work taking place?

The construction of the new pipeline is to improve the reliability of water supply for the Goldfields and Agricultural Water Scheme (GAWS).

When is this happening?

Construction of the pipeline began in early February 2024.  Once this construction is complete and the pipe is in use, we can then remove a section of the old pipeline that runs through the Helena Valley Lifestyle Village. 

Approved work hours are Monday to Friday 7am to 5pm and some Saturdays as required. 

How will this impact the community?

Traffic management - We continue to work with the City of Swan and Shire of Mundaring as to how the work will impact traffic. There is an approved traffic management plan in place until the completion of the project. Whilst we will minimise any inconvenience as much as possible, delays can be expected along Helena Valley Road. 

From Tuesday 2 April 2024 traffic will only be able to travel eastbound on Helena Valley Road from Lomandra Road and Goldsbrough Entrance to Scott Street. Helena Valley Road will be closed to all westbound traffic in this area.

Local traffic will be able to enter Helena Valley Lifestyle Village, and properties along Helena Valley Road in the eastbound direction only.

Helena Valley Road from Goldsbrough Entrance/Lomandra Road roundabout to Midland Road will be open and operational during the work.

The map below shows the westbound detours road users can take during construction. 


We are working with Main Roads in relation to the Scott Street Bridge on reopening date with the advice this will be completed by early March 2024. For more information please see Main Roads webpage.

Bus routes - Route 307 will not operate on Helena Valley Road between Lomandra Road and Ridge Hill Road.
The following bus stops will not be in use: 28582 (Helena Valley Road before Goldsbrough Entrance), 28581 (Helena Valley Road after Lomandra Road), 24992 (Helena Valley Road after Scott Street) and 27821 (Helena Valley Road before Scott Street).
The nearest alternative stops will be: 27250 (Helena Valley Road before Lomandra Road) and 27794 (Helena Valley Road after Goldsbrough Entrance)

For more information please see Transperth website

Footpath access - For safety, construction areas will be fenced, however some footpaths may be impacted. Traffic management will be in place to maintain pedestrian access.

Driveway access - Access to driveways will be maintained at all times. Our contractor will work with you in advance if there is any impact.

Local shopping centres and services - Access to the shopping centre on Torquata Blvd and Scott Street in Helena Valley will be open, we encourage the community to support these local businesses during construction.

Environment - There is an approved easement that runs through the Bushmead Conservation area, Helena Valley Lifestyle Village and Helena Valley Road. This allows us to construct the pipeline within this area, Clearing and trimming will be taking places within the approved area and care will be taken to minimise impacts to the trees and other flora during construction. 


We follow a thorough reinstatement process to ensure all impacted areas are replaced like for like, where practically possible. We will also work closely with the City of Swan, Shire of Mundaring and residents to ensure all reinstatements are carried out to an acceptable standard.

Temporary Water Supply Interruption

What is happening?

Our contractor Georgiou has been constructing a new 2.4-kilometre water pipeline that supplies water for the Goldfields and Agricultural Water Scheme (GAWS) and the Greenmount water zone.

We will soon be completing work on Talbot Road and Midland Road to isolate the existing water main to allow for the bypass to be connected to the network. To do this, we need to temporarily interrupt your property water supply. To help minimise disruption to the community, work will take place overnight during off peak water usage times. Whilst we encourage you to keep water use to a minimum overnight, you may only experience reduced pressure.

When is this happening?

We are aiming for Monday 17 February however you may still notice fluctuating pressure on the following nights. This will only occur between 9pm and 3am.

During the water interruption

Where possible, please try not to run water using appliances during the water supply interruption. Appliances that typically need water include evaporative air conditioners, dishwashers and washing machines. If you have an electric hot water system or automatic sprinklers due to turn on, we also recommend you turn off its power supply.

Discoloured water

You may also notice discoloured water in the days following the night work. A change in the direction that water flows through pipes can stir up sediment, which makes the water look discoloured. Please be assured the water is still safe to use.

If you experience discoloured water:

  • Run the outside garden tap at the front of your property for a few minutes, until the water clears.
  • Repeat the step above for an outside tap at the rear of your property.
  • Do not use washing machines, dishwashers or other water using appliances until the water is clear. If clothing is stained during washing, leave the clothes immersed in water.

We apologise for any inconvenience that this may cause and thank you for your patience while we carry out this essential work.

Who can I contact?

For any questions or to get in touch, please contact Water Corporation Community Engagement Team on (08) 9420 2238; or via email at

For faults, emergencies, and security issues, please call our 24 hours operations centre on 13 13 75


Construction and detours along Helena Valley Road during the holiday period

  • The project has completed 90% of the overall pipeline installation.
  • Helena Valley Road will be temporarily reinstated and will reopen on Monday 23 December 2024. Please drive carefully over the temporary road.
  • Two-way directional traffic will resume over the Christmas period.
  • The full road reinstatement on the temporary road will be carried out in the New Year. Traffic management will be in place during the road reinstatement in 2025.
  • There is a need for a second road closure along Helena Valley Road in early 2025. Traffic management will be in place during this closure. We will update the community with more information closer to the time. 
What’s happening next?

Due to project delays, we will need to return to complete work in 2025 as there are still sections of the pipeline that need to be finalised. Please see the map and table below outlining the work remaining and projected timeframes.

A map showing the areas impacted by work on Talbot Road in Helena Valley

Remaining construction work to be carried out in Helena Valley
Remaining work Timing What to expect

Talbot Road (see 1 on map)

  • Pipe installation to continue. 
  • Reinstatement work on road and verge. 
January – March 2025.
  • Talbot Road and Midland Road intersection will be modified.
  • Potential single night full closure of Midland Road intersection. 

Helena Valley Road 

  • Two connections to the existing pipeline including one that crosses the road near Scott Street intersection (see 3 on map).
  • Reinstatement work on road and verge (see 2 on map). 
  • First connection including road crossing is tentatively early 2025. 
  • Second connection tentatively July – September 2025. 
  • First connection road crossing will require a full road closure on a weekend, traffic management will be in place.
  • Second connection details to be confirmed. Localised traffic management during reinstatement. 

Helena Valley Lifestyle Village

  • Decommissioning and removing the existing pipe.
April – July 2025. 
  • Minimal impact to the wider community. 
  • Impact is largely within the Helena Valley Lifestyle Village and will be communicated directly with the Village. 
Pipeline testing and commissioning. March 2025 to September/October 2025. 
  • Minimal impact to the community.
  • Monitoring system is tested and commissioned.
  • New pipes are prepared to connect into the existing network. 
Will I be able to access the local shops and services in the area? 

Access to the shopping centre on Torquata Boulevard and Scott Street in Helena Valley will be open. We encourage the community to support these local businesses during construction. Thank you for your patience and understanding while we complete this essential work.

Will this impact my water supply?

There might be temporary outages to facilitate construction. Those who will be impacted will be contacted directly with a minimum of 48 hours’ notice.


We'd like to update you on our ongoing work in Hazelmere and Helena Valley. Our authorised contractor, Georgiou, has been constructing a new 2.4 kilometre water pipeline that will supply water for the Goldfields and Agricultural Water Scheme (GAWS) and the Greenmount water zone.

Thank you for your ongoing patience as we grow our supply network to secure WA's water future.

There will be two weekend road closures along Helena Valley Road, as per the map below. The first will take place from 7pm Friday 8 November until 5am Monday 11 November 2024.

We will be sure to provide an update when the timing of the second road closure is confirmed.

Update on detours:

In the August project update, we shared that there would be a reverse in the detour along Helena Valley Road commencing mid-late October. This reverse in the detour will no longer occur.

The current detour for westbound traffic will remain in place until Helena Valley Road is fully opened. We aim to reopen Helena Valley Road in December 2024.


Contact us

We're here to help. If you have any special requirements or queries relating to this work, please contact us at

Faults, emergencies and security - 13 13 75 (24 hours)

Construction work for the Hazelmere and Helena Valley water pipeline is progressing well. 
Kadina Brook is mostly complete with connection to the existing pipe still to be finalised. After the connection is complete, reinstatement will be scheduled. 
Construction on Talbot Road is commencing this month. Traffic management will be in place. For updates on the latest traffic management, please check our project webpage. 
Work along Helena Valley Road is ongoing with traffic management in place.

Now to mid-late October 2024:

  • Westbound remains closed to traffic
  • Eastbound remains open to traffic

Mid-late October to December 2024:

  • Westbound reopens to traffic
  • Eastbound closed to traffic

The project is aiming to have Helena Valley Road open from mid-December 2024. These closures are subject to change, pending on the progress. See map below for more detail.

Construction work for the Hazelmere and Helena Valley water pipeline is progressing well. Kadina Brook is largely completed except for reconnecting the existing pipe.

The work along Helena Valley Road is ongoing with traffic management still in place for the westbound lane closure. A footpath along the southern side of Helena Valley Road is currently being constructed. Pedestrians can expect to use the footpath towards the end of June.

We have also commenced construction at Helena Valley Lifestyle Village.

Work on Talbot Road will commence mid-July. Those who are directly impacted by this work will be notified in the coming weeks.

Construction of the new pipeline is continuing in Bushmead, Kadina Brook area, along with beginning construction on Helena Valley Road. Detours are now in place for the westbound lane closure on Helena Valley Road.

Water Corporation have been made aware of some current and future work in surrounding areas and can provide some detail below - for more information please contact these projects directly. 

Main Roads and the Military Roads Bridge
Works has been confirmed it is repair works to the bridge, the work that is being undertaken is mainly on the bridge substructure and does not require a closure or detour. The works proposed from April 22nd are off road mostly, with approximately 8 times where they require to undertake a stop/slow scenario to pour the bridge footings, with timing restrictions from 9am – 3pm. For more information please see Main Roads webpage.

MGC Developer - Katharine Street
The approved road close dates for Katharine Street are as follows:
10th April to 4th May 2024 – 1st closure
27th May to 11th June 2024 – 2nd closure
During this time traffic will be detour over using Elder St to Clayton Street.

Water Corporation - Elder Way 
The Elder Way wastewater pump station is located on the corner of Elder Way and Katharine Street in Bellevue. Additional emergency storage pipes are being installed next to the existing pump station which will ensure we can continue to safely dispose of wastewater for the growing area.
There is no road closures associated with this work on Elder Way. For more information please see Bellevue wastewater upgrades.


Construction has begun in the Bushmead area approaching Helena Valley Road. Traffic management will be in place on Helena Valley Road from Tuesday 2 April, from then traffic will only be able to travel eastbound on Helena Valley Road from Lomandra Road and Goldsbrough Entrance to Scott Street. Helena Valley Road will be closed to all westbound traffic in this area.

Please see the project details tab for more information.


Work has begun to construct a new 2.4km water pipeline in Helena Valley and Hazelmere.

Traffic Management
- There is an approved traffic management plan in place until the completion of the project in approximately October 2024. Whilst we will minimise any inconvenience as much as possible, delays can be expected along Helena Valley Road.

From mid March 2024 traffic will only be able to travel eastbound on Helena Valley Road from Lomandra Road and Goldsbrough Entrance to Scott Street. Helena Valley Road will be closed to all westbound traffic in this area.

Local traffic will be able to enter Helena Valley Lifestyle Village, and properties along Helena Valley Road in the eastbound direction only.

Transperth - Route 307 will not operate on Helena Valley Road between Lomandra Road and Ridge Hill Road.
The following bus stops will not be in use: 28582 (Helena Valley Road before Goldsbrough Entrance), 28581 (Helena Valley Road after Lomandra Road), 24992 (Helena Valley Road after Scott Street) and 27821 (Helena Valley Road before Scott Street).
The nearest alternative stops will be: 27250 (Helena Valley Road before Lomandra Road) and 27794 (Helena Valley Road after Goldsbrough Entrance)

For more information please see Transperth website

Information has been shared with local schools to share with private routes please contact them or Water Corporations Community Engagement Advisor for more information. 

We have notified emergency services including local Police, Hospitals, DFES and Shire of Mundaring to ensure emergency vehicles are aware of the work. The emergency management plans allows one lane of Helena Valley Road to be open at all times. And we’ll continue to work with emergency services with any changes or should an emergency arise.

Everyone in the community is highly encouraged to make their own bushfire management plan taking in the change in road circumstances. For more information on how to make a plan DFES website is the best place to visit

Yes, access to the shopping centre on Torquata Blvd and Scott Street in Helena Valley will be open, we encourage the community to support these businesses during construction.

Yes, driveway access will be maintained throughout the project, any direct impacts to residents our contractor will work with you in advance.

Yes, pedestrian access will be maintained during construction. Temporary footpaths will be in place please follow the direction of the onsite traffic management.

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