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Water Corporation employees are on site with DM Civil contractors as they work on water infrastructure upgrades

Securing your water future for generations to come

We are upgrading water infrastructure in the City of Swan to support your community long into the future. These essential upgrades will ensure that you and future generations will have access to secure and reliable water and wastewater services. Together, we're shaping WA’s water future.

What are we doing?

Water supply work 

New water pipelines and upgrades

New water infrastructure and upgrades

As our water sources and demand have changed over time, essential work is needed now to ensure the community will continue to have a reliable drinking water supply.


Wastewater work 

New wastewater pipelines and upgrades

New wastewater pump stations and upgrades

The collection, treatment and disposal of wastewater is important in protecting your health and our environment. We will be upgrading the wastewater network in the City of Swan, so your wastewater can be safely recycled or returned to the environment.

Where will the work take place?

Our water and wastewater upgrades will take place throughout the City of Swan. Check the map below to see how each individual project is shaping our wider water network.

A project map of the City of Swan, showing where Water Corporation is conducting work on water and wastewater infrastructure

Projects in the City of Swan

Get more information and updates about all current and upcoming work in the City of Swan.

Upcoming work

Completed work

  • Dayton to Caversham water upgrades

How will the work impact me?

You may notice an increase in activity, construction vehicles, noise, dust in some areas of the City of Swan as this essential work takes place.

Occasional road closures and detours may be required alongside traffic management to ensure the safety of our crew and your community.

If you live or operate in an area where work is being carried out, we will notify you of any impacts. This may be via:

  • email 
  • phone call
  • face to face
  • letter.

Frequently asked questions

To see updates on how a project is progressing, when it’s scheduled for completion, or to sign up for the project mailing list, head to the specific project page.

Each project in the City of Swan has a Community Engagement Adviser to assist with your enquiries. You can find their contact details on the project page for the work being carried out.

If the project doesn’t have a project page, you can enquire by emailing

There are a number of different projects happening in the City of Swan, including work conducted by Main Roads and METRONET. While we aim to reduce disruption where possible, some detours have been put in place to keep our workers and community safe. If we need to temporarily close a road, this is planned carefully around any other work in the area.

You can find out more about other work in the City of Swan that intersects with ours on the Main Roads website and Metronet website

Contact us

City of Swan water upgrades - Community Engagement