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Contact us

Whenever you need us, we have a number of teams to help you. So that your query is processed as soon as possible, please select the option which best applies to you.

Rainfall & dams

Check rainfall and dam levels where we source our water from and how water use is tracking.

Watering days

Find your watering days here using our quick search tool.

Waterwise advice

Handy tips and simple ideas to help you save water in your home and garden.


Check out our current vacancies and find out how to apply for a job with us.

Help and advice

Find a variety of topics in our help and advice section.

Suppliers and contractors

Find out about current tenders, how to become a supplier and learn about our health, safety and environment requirements.

If your enquiry wasn't resolved, please let us know by using our other enquiries form:

Or you can call us on 13 13 85 (8am - 5pm weekdays).
If you would like to email us, please use our enquiries form to get in touch.

Assisted and international phone numbers

13 14 50

Please call the Translation and Interpreter Service and ask for: 13 13 85 (account enquiries), 13 13 75 (faults, emergencies and security) or 13 13 95 (building services).

13 36 77

Please contact us through the National Relay Service and ask for: 13 13 85 (account enquiries), 13 13 75 (faults, emergencies and security) or 13 13 95 (building services).

+ 618 9423 7777

If you are calling us from overseas please use this international number to reach us.

Set up direct debit

Direct debit is quick and easy to set up. Setting up direct debit means no more queuing at the post office or filling out cheques.

There are lots of good reasons to set up direct debit including:

  • It saves time
  • It gives you peace of mind
  • It helps with budgeting
  • It saves you a trip to the post office!

Set up

Write to us

Please send any documents that need to be sent via post to:

Locked Mail Bag 2
Osborne Park Delivery Centre
Osborne Park WA 6916