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We know our environmental footprint could be significant and we’re committed to minimising our impact. This means we have a responsibility to protect the natural environment when undertaking the clearing of native vegetation and the implementation of projects. We hold a Statewide Clearing Permit (CPS 185). This permit conditionally allows us to clear native vegetation for the purpose of delivering water and wastewater services.

We apply the mitigation hierarchy (avoiding, minimising, reducing and offsetting if required) when designing projects. This ensures that we manage our water and wastewater assets effectively while also safeguarding our native vegetation. This permit is regulated under the Environmental Protection Act 1986.

Instructions for making a submission

We are seeking comments from interested stakeholders regarding the above proposals and its impacts on native vegetation. All comments can be submitted at (including file attachments if required). Please include the following details in your email submission:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Organisation name (if relevant)
  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • Comments

Projects open for comment

There are no projects open for comment at the moment.

Projects closed for comment

There are no projects closed for comment at the moment.

Projects finalised to address submissions

There are no projects finalised to address submissions at the moment.

Projects where clearing has commenced

There are no projects where clearing has commenced at the moment.

If you require further information, please contact our Environment Business unit via e-mail at

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